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Design Services


Our design services focus on seamlessly delivering innovative and functional solutions for our clients, utilizing the latest design trends to create unique and visually appealing spaces.


We take pride in collaborating closely with our clients to provide customized design solutions tailored to our clients' individual tastes and preferences, reflecting their lifestyle and vision in every detail.

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When you build with us, our goal is to make the design process as seamless and catered to your needs as possible. Our clients get access to these services: 

Visit Showrooms With Us

Explore the possibilities for your project with expert guidance. Get hands-on experience of the materials, finishes and samples available for your project and visualize how the finished product will look. 

Industry Insider Expertise on Every Material Selection

Providing assistance & expert advice in selecting any material involved in your project - tiles, cabinetry, windows, doors, flooring, stonework, and more.

Concierge for Your Design Process

A personalized in-home service that brings an array of options such as tile, paint, wood flooring, and fixture samples, directly to our client's doorstep.

Start bringing your vision to life

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Client Testimonial

Donna M, New Canaan CT

"Casinelli Construction provided highly skilled professional services in a friendly and competent manner."

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